In the first installment of this high fantasy trilogy, Jamison Fricke’s debut novel transports readers to Arinea, a planet that should no longer exist. When an asteroid threatened to destroy it, Aksul—the wizard who originally created life there—shielded as much of the world as he could, transported its broken remains to safety, and created nine Guardians. Each one had dominion over a different element and tamed the forces of nature, allowing life to continue in the aftermath of the Cataclysm.
At only twenty years old, Enira is the youngest Guardian. Created hundreds of years after the others and imbued with all their abilities, her purpose is to take the place of any of her forebears who perishes. It is a destiny she almost meets when Kahla, a Guardian who disappeared shortly after Enira’s creation, returns one night and captures them all.
Having narrowly escaped, Enira must now complete a crucial journey to restore peace to Arinea. Traversing a world gripped by a war that resembles the darkest time in Arinea’s history, she encounters Koen, an elf determined to avenge his brother’s death. Together, they strive to free the world’s protectors and defeat the rogue Guardian before it’s too late.
[Cover art is only a preview.]
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